Facing grief and discovering gratitude as a means to become more progressive and spiritually active to confront climate change and our societal ills
Francis Weller is a psychotherapist, writer and activist who employs a variety of methods for people to reclaim what the famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung called “unforgotten wisdom” that resides in the heart of everybody’s psyche. He is the founder and director of Wisdom Bridge, an educational organization that integrates traditional wisdom with our western society. For over three decades he has worked with soul-centered psychotherapy, and is recognized as one of the more important teachers working with the psychology of men and with the dynamics of grief and grieving. Francis is currently a clinical therapist of the Commonweal Cancer Program, and co-leads activities with its founder Michael Lerner. He has taught at Sonoma State University, the New College of California and other institutes and received two graduate degrees in Clinical Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology from John F Kennedy University. He is the author the recent book “The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief.” His organization’s website is WisdomBridge.net