Progressive Radio Network


The Gary Null Show – 06.14.17

An insider account about the politicalization of the CIA and a culture of corruption

Prof. Melvin Goodman is a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy in Washington DC and an adjunct professor in international relations at Johns Hopkins University.  For 24 years—through the administrations of Johnson to Bush Sr—he had served in the CIA and the Department of State as a Soviet analyst. He resigned after observing the how corrupt the agency was at the highest levels. In 1991, he blew the whistle on top CIA officials and He was also a professor of international relations at the National War College for 18 years.  Prof Goodman writes frequently for Counterpunch and has written for the NY Times, Harpers, Foreign Policy, Washington Post and other publications.  His seven books have dealt with Soviet studies, Star Wars, the Neoconservative agenda and the CIA.  His last book is “Whistleblower at the CIA: An Insider’s Account of the Politics of Intelligence” which presents the culture of misinformation, vice and intimidation that has led to America’s recent foreign policy debacles.  Mel’s website is

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