Progressive Radio Network


The Gary Null Show - 08.09.17

Update on events happening in Venezuela and the Trump’s and Washington’s role to instigate regime change by destabilizing the country
Eva Golinger is a Venezuelan-American attorney who served briefly as a foreign policy advisor to the late Hugo Chavez.  Using Freedom of Information Act requests she continues to document the close relationship between the radical right factions in Venezuela and the  US government actions to overthrow the Chavez government. She has received Mexico’s International Journalism Award – one of the prestigious in Latin America, and is member of the Bar of New York, the Bar of the US Supreme Court and other regional American legal bars.  She has a degree from Sarah Lawrence and a Juris Doctorate in international human rights law from City University of New York. Eva is the author of two main books in English, “The Chavez Code: Cracking US Intervention in Venezuela” and later “Bush Versus Chavez: Washington’s War on Venezuela”  Her websites are AND the
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