Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 10.10.18

The demand for a new Climate Story — changing the narrative to confront our environmental threats

Charles Eisenstein is an independent scholar, counterculture speaker and author writing on themes about human culture and identity, economics, the evolution of human cultures, and the spiritual challenges of coping with a society and world in chaos.  In the past he has taught at Goddard College, Penn State, and has lived in China.  Charles holds degrees in Mathematics and Philosophy from Yale University and has been active with other visionaries to develop progressive models of business and charity based upon a deeper ethical standard. He is the author of several books, including his popular “Sacred Economics.”  His most recent book is “Climate: A New Story,” which presents a new narrative, a new ethos, to the conversation we must begin in order to address and prepare ourselves for growing crises due to climate change.  Charles’ website is


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