Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 11.01.18

The causes behind the autism epidemic and how to end it 

Jonathan Handley is the co-founder along with his wife of Generation Rescue, a non profit, all volunteer organization dedicated to sharing information with parents to help them recover their children from autism.  The Handleys are also parents of a son with autism. JB received his degree from Stanford University and for much of his career worked in the private equity industry. He has also worked closely with British physician Andrew Wakefield in the lead up to his hearings and trial in the UK over the controversies of his research into the MMR-autism relationship.  Last month he published “How to End the Autism Epidemic” which backs the argument with some of the best current science to prove that the debate over vaccines and autism is far from being settled.  His website is where you can also watch a series of free videos JB has created to educate parents. 

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