Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 11.10.17

The dark side of psychiatry’s influence over the nation’s judicial system.

Katherine Hine is a former attorney who practice law for over 30 years before becoming a radio program hosting two programs —  “Bedlam in America”  and “Who Judges the Judges” — at WLJA in Ohio and on Blog Talk Radio.  Her broadcasts explore the illegalities of forced psychiatry and the consequences of the lack of accountability in our judicial system.  Katherine is also the executive direct or of the Ross County Network for Children in Ohio and the Ohio chapter co-president of the Families Civil Liberties Union.  Her investigations into the growing epidemic of forced psychiatry have been published by the Columbus Free Press, Natural Blaze, and Activist Post. She recently authored an in depth 4-part investigative series on how psychiatry is undermining and destroying our judiciary.  Her broadcasts can be heard on  and  at


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