Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show – 11.22.16

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary goes into a health segment and makes comments on vaccines and big pharma, but spends most of the time talking with Dahr Jamail about  Making the evidence for climate change and global warming more personal. Dahr Jamail is a staff reporter of Truthout who has become a world renown investigate journalist. Earlier with al-Jazeera, Dahr documented the human cost of the Iraq war. He has been among the few non-embedded journalists reporting on the realities of the war. In addition to Iraq he has reported from Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan. Now with Truthout, Dahr has focused on the science and real-life stories about the threats and effects of anthropocentric climate change and global warming. Besides Truthout, his stories have appeared in TomDispatch, The Guardian, Le Monde, The Nation and other progressive news outlets.   He has received many prestigious awards including the Martha Gellhorn Award for Journalism, the James Aronson Award for Social Justic, the Joe Callaway Award for Civic Courage and four Project Censored awards. Dahr has written several books. His most recent, co-written with William Rivers Pitt, is “The Mass Destruction of Iraq: The Disintegration of a Nation, Why it Happened and Who is Responsible”   And his book “The End of Ice” is forthcoming.  His website is 

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