Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 12.07.18

Gary has 2 new cook books out!


Curing The Incurable eBook

 Diet Prevents and Cures Inflammatory Diseases 

Dr. Gary Null’s exciting new book Anti-arthritis, Anti-inflammation Cookbook is an important offering that comes to us at a critical time in our human history. As I have written extensively in my own publications, we as a nation are facing unprecedented, widespread disease that is, quite frankly, shocking for our relative affluence and accomplishment compared to other nations around the globe.

These amazing recipes will help you:

  • Live longer by dieting smarter
  • Create a thriving, healthy lifestyle
  • Enjoy and understand the benefits of juicing



Saving The Planet eBook

Our Planet Needs Your Immediate Attention

Tens of millions of Americans do not believe in global warming or deny that climate change is being driven by human activity. Others accept the consensus from the vast majority of scientists in the international community that anthropogenic climate change is real; however, most do not fully understand it.

“Earth’s  Carbon  Concentrations  Have  Soared  to  Levels  Not  Seen  in  800,000 Years”

“Summers Are Getting Hotter Faster, Especially in North Americas Farm Belt New Study Shows Antarctic Melting Approaching ‘Unstoppable’ Tipping Point”

Did you know:

  • “NYC Can Expect More 9-Foot Floods”
  • “California Is Turning Back into a Desert and There Are No Contingency Plans”

Yet, despite the lack of action in the US, there are nations and major cities around the world taking climate change seriously. Visionaries and scientists are creating unique and wonderful innovations in renewable energy to challenge America’s hubris, denial, and complacency. Rather than descending into apathy, withdrawing into isolation and being unwilling to face these problems, this book intends to provide a deep and detailed strategy for how we can individually and collectively make a difference. And the foremost effort each of us can begin at this very moment is to adopt a healthy, plant-based diet. Not only is it affordable, but a vegan lifestyle will also strengthen our physical and mental health to face the challenges ahead. It is the single most important thing each of us can do to save the planet.


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