Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 12.10.18

Newsmaker – Petition Approval for a Grand Jury inquiry  to reopen the investigation into the downing of the World Trade buildings on 911

Mick Harrison is Litigation Director for the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, a non-profit organization dedicated to transparency and accountability in government, and the creation and submission of a Grand Jury Petition concerning the crimes of 9/11 to the United States Attorney. For 26 years Mick has been a public interest lawyer in private practice and litigating whistleblower protection lawsuits and environmental protection citizen suits nationwide. Former clients include national non-profit organizations such as Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Vietnam Veterans’ organizations, the Chemical Weapons Working Group and whistleblowers who have disclosed  fraud and corruption in the areas of chemical and biological weapons, nuclear facilities, endangered species protection, environmental crimes, torture of prisoners during the Iraq war and war on terror, and 9/11. Mick is also the former Co-Director of the EPA Watch Program at the non-profit Government Accountability Project 
David Meiswinkle, JD is the President and a Board member of the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. He is also President of New Jersey 911 Aware, a non-profit organization which serves to educate the public about the core scientific truths and forensic evidence of 9/11. David is a retired police officer of 23 years during which time he founded a community newspaper and the Taxpayers and Tenants Association to expose local political corruption. In 2009 David ran as an independent against Chris Christie for Governor and again in 2010 ran as an independent for Congress. He is also the co-founder of Quantum Matrix Radio and frequently hosts broadcasts on No Lies Radio that covers important issues of our post-911 world. 
The Committee’s website is