Progressive Radio Network


The Gary Null Show - 12.13.17

The human rights crisis in American supermax prisons and solitary confinement.. and how matters have worsened under Trump 

Dr. Terry Allen Kupers is a psychiatrist in private practice and serves on the faculty at the Wright Institute in Berkeley California — a graduate academy founded by the pioneering psychologist Nevitt Sanford that offers higher degrees in clinical psychology. He specializes in psychoanalysis, forensics, and community psychiatry and its integration in social theory. He is regarded as one of the foremost authorities on the adverse effects of solitary confinement and for 40 years he has been evaluating correctional and prison institutions, having provided testimony for prisoner rights in class action litigations concerning jail and prison conditions, sexual abuse and the poor quality of mental health services in correctional facilities. Terry is on the staff of Alta Bates Medical Center and is a contributing editor of the Correctional Mental Health Report and a contributor to Solitary Watch.  He is a graduate of Stanford University and received his medical degree from UCLA. His most recent book is “Solitary: The Inside Supermax Isolation and How We Can Abolish It” published by University of California Press.