Progressive Radio Network


Global Trade War US/EU Against BRICS By James Hall

Do not be confused. Globalists whether Wall Street capitalists, corporatists, collectivist authoritarians or devoted internationalists, all share a common mindset – a worldwide financial system must control commerce and dictate economic activity. Under this formula, trade has little to do with free market transactions. Monopolies are the rule and real competition is fatal. So when the financial press emphasizes the difference between the IMF – World Bank faction and the newly aligned BRICS association, the conclusion usually misses and ignores that all the players are part of a globalist cabal committed to a New World Order.

Trade wars are diversionary skirmishes performing a skit of musical chairs vying for an improved method to destroy national independence and domestic economies. The by word, interdependency has been sold as a heretical religion.

Almost a year ago an essay, The BRICS: Challengers to the Global Status Quomade the case that the BRICS economic alliance to the western financial establishment could pose as a real alternative model to the international institutions that control world trade. However, the author Walden Bello also acknowledged the following:

“The BRICS have been among the key beneficiaries of corporate-driven globalization, owing their rise to the marriage between global capital and cheap labor that has followed the fuller integration of formerly non-capitalist or dependent capitalist countries into the global capitalist system over the last 30 years. This union was among the factors that kept up the rate of profit and raised global capitalism out of its crisis of stagnation in the 1970s and 1980s.

Make no mistake: the BRICS are capitalist regimes—albeit with large central apparatuses capable of controlling workers.” 

Mr. Bello proposes that the future of the BRICS could go in two directions.

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