SEGMENT 1: GUESTS: Del BigtreeBackground Summary: VAXXED
“Vaxxed” investigates how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), concealed and destroyed data on their 2004 study that showed a link between the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine and autism. The information was revealed by a whistle-blower inside the CDC, senior research scientist William Thompson. Dr. Thompson has alleged that during the study highly significant increases in the risk of autism were found in several distinct populations and the CDC did everything from kicking children off the study to throwing data out in order to cover it up. Approximately one million children have developed autism since this fraudulent study claimed that the MMR was not responsible.
SEGMENT 2:GUESTS: Del BigtreeBackground Summary: VAXXED
SEGMENT 3: 3:35 – 3:45GUESTS: Rick Zbur/Equality California Executive Director.Summary: Equality California Condemns Pence as Trump VP Choice
Los Angeles – In response to reports that presidential candidate Donald Trump has chosen Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate, Equality California Executive Director Rick Zbur issued the following statement: “Given the overt racism, sexism, xenophobia and Islamophobia expressed by Donald Trump in his campaign for the White House, his choice of Mike Pence is not surprising. Pence is one of the most LGBT-phobic figures on the national stage. In fact, it was his targeting of the LGBT community with discriminatory laws that earned him a national spotlight in the first place.
SEGMENT 4: Goharrison Diversity in Media with African American journalist, JoAnne Powell
An award winning Journalist, JoAnne Powell brings more than 20-years of TV News experience to her online TV talk show and TV Host and Reporter JoAnne has worked as a Reporter with CBS2 News in Los Angeles. She has also been a contributing Reporter with ABC, CBS and CNN.
SEGMENT 5: GUESTS: Cary’s DNC Chomsky film introBackground Summary:
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