Progressive Radio Network

Heart of Mind Radio

Heart of Mind Radio - 03.03.17

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, Kathryn Davis interviews Sifu Ed D’urso, about his upcoming program “Resilience Training Using Low Impact Exercises To Enhance Health, Emotional Well-Being & Freedom of Movement” at the New York Open Center. The program occurs tonight, Friday February 3rd, 7-9 PM. Located at 30th St and Madison Ave in NY.

Link to Program:

Kathryn also updates everyone on her ongoing program “Staying Grounded in Chaotic Times” A Qigong Movement and Meditation class which is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The class takes place on Saturdays 3:00 – 4:30 PM at STUDIO MAYA, 603 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, 11238. View map heres:

The Qigong class is designed to release stress and anxiety from the body and mind. It offers, sitting meditation, graceful movement exercises and a series of Remedy Routines to help ground and calm your body and mind, while improving stress-related conditions and features Soaring Crane Qigong. Relax into Qigong with grace and ease, harmonize your breath and uplift and restore inner peace.
For more information go to:

Also a reminder the next Heart Of Mind Spiritual Support Group is scheduled for Wednesday, March 15th 7:15 – 9:15 PM. Location: Jñaña Yoga – Wellness Center,   97 Bond Street, BK 11216 – Ground Floor, Between Atlantic Ave and Pacific Street


Ed D’Urso is the founder of and main instructor at The Fire Mountain School of Centered Martial Arts in Nyack, NY, which offers traditional Chinese martial arts and Resilience Training, including t’ai chi, kung fu and “conscious fighting” methods.

The program on: Resilience Training (accessible to anyone one regardless of age, level of injury, or prior training) is designed to strengthen the fasciae, the webs of connective tissue under the skin that bind the muscles to the skeletal system and are critical to generating and conducting electrical and mechanical energy throughout the body.

The health of our fasciae helps determine how flexible, supple and energized we are. Strength is generated by muscles, but the fasciae are the source of a deeper, more lasting power. In this workshop with a highly experienced martial arts teacher and fitness expert we will learn how to work with the fascia system to: build our flexibility, range of motion and power; boost qi flow through our energy channels; diminish aches and pains; recover much more quickly from injuries; go beyond our limits; and increase our mental as well as physical fortitude.

Friday, March 3, 7–10pm
Members: $40 / Nonmembers: $50

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