On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis invites listeners to Welcome the Divinity of Being and offers a meditation to begin the process. In segment two Kathryn shares her experience of Lucid Dreaming and gives tips on how you can create this experience for yourself.
Jñaña Yoga,
97 Bond St., ground floor,
Brooklyn NY 11217
We will engage in a ceremony to honor our ancestors and invoke their assistance and support. This followed by a ritual of healing in which each will make our own homeopathic clearing remedy to take home. We will use the Aztec Obsidian Mirror to gaze into our interior being to connect to our present state. Followed by a Crystal Pyramid affirmation to consecrate our dreams and intent into reality. We complete the process by creating our own Mandala.
Kathryn’s April Qigong Series:
Spring Up and Stay Grounded with Qigong Meditation & Movement for Body Wellness and Stress Reduction
Restore your Vitality, Lubricate your joints & Stretch your Muscles, Ease your mind, Let go of Body Tension and Awaken a Natural State of Inner Peace
Saturdays April 1 – 29th from 3:00 – 4:00 PM
603 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, NY 11238 (Between Carlton & Vanderbilt Avenues)
$20 per session
You may contact Kathryn by the following means:
(347) 480-1694
Web Sites:
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