Progressive Radio Network


Hillary Clinton’s Support for GMOs Confirmed by Gates Foundation

On Friday it was revealed that the global GMO promoters Cornell Alliance for Science, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are giving Hillary Clinton as an example of one of the ‘powerful people‘ who supports GMOs and the Biotech industry worldwide.

Hillary Clinton, who is currently in a race with anti-GMO Senator Bernie Sanders to become the Democratic Party’s Presidential candidate,  is coming under increasing pressure following a series of revelations regarding her ties to Monsanto and the Biotech Industry.

This latest blow to Clinton’s campaign was revealed on Friday when she was quoted on the Cornell Alliance for Science website as saying: “I stand in favor of using seeds and products that have a proven track record. There is a big gap between what the facts are and what the perceptions are.”

In 2014, Hillary Clinton received a $335,000 “speaking fee” for giving the keynote address to one of Monsanto’s main GMO lobbying front groups, Biotechnology International Organization (BIO), to help the industry address consumer fears over GMOs.

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