Host of The Natural Nurse and Dr. Z
Tuesdays at 10:00 am (EST)
Dr. Eugene R. Zampieron is a licensed Naturopathic physician and 1990 alumni of Bastyr University of Natural Health Sciences.
Dr. Zampieron, a.k.a ‘Dr.Z’, is a medical herbalist and Professional Member of the American Herbalist Guild. Dr Z was on the elite founding advisory board to UB President Emeritus Richard Rubenstein that helped firmly establish the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine as the first accredited naturopathic medical college on the Eastern seaboard. DrZ is currently a senior faculty member at the institution, teaching many courses including botanical medicine, pharmacognosy, botanical pharmacy, urology, geriatrics, practice management, and history of natural medicine courses. His clinical emphasis and expertise is in holistic rheumatology.
Dr.Z is a botanical formulations inventor, designing many herbal products for companies, including Natures’ Answer. He has been a radio and television host for over 25 years, and is an international lecturer who teaches with an encyclopedic knowledge of natural medicine. He currently is international spokesman for an exciting arthritis product, Vital 3 Joint solution, writing articles, appearing on radio and television, discussing the science and clinical research of this product. He designed an herbal line, the ARTHRONUTRITION PROGRAM, with Dr, Kamhi, with Nature’s Answer, Americans oldest herbal company, and a new arthritis line for RESTORATIVE MEDICINE.
Along with business partner Dr. Ellen Kamhi( The Natural Nurse), he has produced thousands of radio programs, both nationally syndicated and local, and still produces weekly radio programs on WPKN,WUSB, and the Progressive Radio He has co-authored hundreds of articles, magazine columns, as well as several books, including The Natural Medicine Chest, the mammoth seller ARTHRITIS:The Alternative Medicine, Definitive Guide (1st AND 2nd editions) and was a contributing author/photographer for Cycles of Life, herbs and energy techniques for the stages of a women’s life and a textbook of antianging medicine. He practices in Woodbury, CT , and also sees patients at the University OF Bridgeport’s Naturopathic Medical Clinic, where he is a professor teaching Botanical medicine, Phytochemistry, geriatrics and rheumatology.
He is also leads ethnobotanical tours and is co-founder with Dr Kamhi of the company, an internationally acclaimed business leading adventure and ecologically based Ecotours and specialty travel groups into the rain forests of Jamaica,WI and around the globe to study with native herbalists and shaman. Ecotours for Cures were recently featured in AIR JAMAICA’s in Flight magazine.
He enjoys organic gardening, tropical landscape architecture, world music, traveling, writing and is a accomplished martial artist in multiple forms. His website is