Progressive Radio Network

Peter Roth

Host of Energy Stew
Fridays at 11:30 (EST)

Peter Roth has lived in New York City for the last 40 years after being raised in Westchester County, NY and schooled at Tulane, Penn State and NYU. He and his wife, Deborah, and their two sons share a comfortable apartment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

“My life has been a journey with many different turns. For much of it, I didn’t notice the one constant that seemed to entwine my other interests; a desire to know how to help people reduce their confusions, inadequacy and pain. This was always a factor in my roles as a photographer, an author, a film producer and then as a manufacturer. Although quite successful in these fields, I seemed more interested in helping clients and associates with their lifes’ limitations than the business at hand. Finally, the healing and counseling tide was too great to continue pursuing other interests.

Historically, my path began as I was consumed, as a teenager, to understand multi-dimensionality as a result of my father’s death. Where did he go and how would I ever see him again? I feel a lot better about those mysteries now. On a more physical plane, at the beginning of the running boom in the mid-seventies, I became an officer and director of the New York Road Runners Club and the New York City Marathon (until 1999). A great pride in my life was to help launch the Achilles Track Club, for disabled athletes, which now has chapters in more than 62 countries. Having been a life-long runner, I then began coaching and training runners. At the same time, Gary Null, the host of the Natural Living Radio Show, asked me to be a regular guest and occasional host of his show. Together, we founded the Natural Living Club and helped thousands of people pursue healthier, happier lives over the next 30 years. During this time, I studied with many teachers who revealed mastery of the many mysteries of mind, body and soul. Among them I count, Avery Ferentz, Annemarie Colbin, Ben Benjamin, Peter Urban, Dorothy Espiau, Del Pe, Choa Kok Sui, Martin Feldman, Kalu Rimpoche, Khempo Kathar Rimpoche and Ra Uru Hu. I’ve recently had the pleasure of studying Family Constellations with Roberta Maria Atti and Total Biology with a number of teachers from this incredible French program. There is never an end to enhancing our learning. My practice covers many different aspects of people’s needs. I work intuitively to analyze the many energies that emanate, not only from bodies, but from the deeper part of the soul. This is where I find the master computer that reveals the inner patterns of imbalance one is challenged by. I also use many techniques to fine tune bodies for athletic performance and work with some of the top runners in the world.  My job is to make people whole. This includes the dramas of one’s life (i.e. relationships, work situations, finance, health, etc.) and to see where the dysfunctional patterns began and to find the solutions to them. I love to bring people out of pain and I’m excited about the many tools I have to do it. This is why I teach. It’s great to have an arsenal and I want everyone to have one. Of course the strongest tool we have is our heart. To strengthen this strengthens all. I want my clients to have the tools to be powerful and maintain their health and happiness. That is the key to healing.”