Progressive Radio Network

iEat Green

iEat Green - Guest Darryl Benjamin - 07.06.17

Author and Professor Darryl Benjamin is a passionate advocate for and educator about sustainable food. He cares deeply about social justice, the environment, and nature. His book, Farm to Table: The Essential Guide (Chelsea Green), co-written with Chef Lyndon Virkler, was published in October 2016. Benjamin lectures and blogs about sustainable food systems. He also documents the struggle to attain sustainable balance through his photographs. Benjamin holds an MFA in Writing as well as a Certificate of Leadership in Sustainable Food Systems (University of Vermont). He is principal of The GMO Breakthrough Education Project, a nonprofit dedicated to transforming global food systems through education. Benjamin taught writing, marketing, and sustainable food issues at New England Culinary Institute for seven years. Benjamin currently teaches in the Online MS in Sustainable Food Systems graduate degree program at Green Mountain College, as well as English at Norwich University. He also lectures and conducts seminars on sustainable food systems, food security, the future of food, and Farm to Table challenges and solutions at conferences and in classrooms.


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Peach- Blueberry Pie

Preheat oven to 425*


2 cup organic Whole Wheat Pastry Flour

2 cup organic unbleached White flour

2 t. salt

2 sticks, plus 2 tbs. unsalted butter,

½ cup, plus 2 Tbs. cold water


Approx. 6-7 organic peaches, blanched, peels removed, and sliced

1 Granny Smith apple, grated

1 pint fresh organic blueberries

1/3 cup honey or org. sugar (or substitute 1/3 c maple syrup)

1 tbs. lemon juice

1 ½ t. cinnamon

3 Tbs organic white flour

To make Pie Crust: Put flour in large bowl. With pastry knife, cut in butter, until all the butter is incorporated into the flour (it will look like little pebbles) Make a well in center of bowl, and pour in water. Using your hands, mix the flour and water together, until it forms a dough. Form two balls for crust. Sprinkle counter with flour, and roll out one ball. Add more flour onto the counter, as needed, to prevent the crust from sticking. Start rolling in the center, and work out, keeping the crust circular. Fold bottom crust in half, and transfer to pie pan. Trim crust, so that it hangs over the edge by 3/4”. Repeat process for the top crust, except after rolling it out, cut slits in crust (to allow steam to escape)

For Filling: Combine all ingredients in large bowl. Add to bottom crust.

To Finish: Cover with top crust, and trim the top crust to match the bottom crust. Roll both crusts under together, and then pinch for decoration and to seal. Brush the crust with an egg wash. Bake at 425 for 15 minutes,, lower oven to 375* and bake for 30 minutes more or until juices bubble thru top