Progressive Radio Network

iEat Green

iEat Green – Interview with Diane Hatz, Founder of Change Food – 07.30.15

This week, my guest on the Progressive Radio Network is Diane Hatz, the Founder and Executive Director of Change Food, a company who’s mission is to help individuals change the way they eat by raising public awareness, educating consumers and motivating behavior change around today’s problems with food. Diane uses her expertise to develop creative projects to help people make the changes necessary to improve our food system.  One way she did this was by Founding the TEDxManhattan talks, “Changing the Way We Eat”, which she organized from 2010-2015. TEDxManhattan was an annual event that brought together key experts in the food and farming movement to discuss issues with the U.S. food system. Diane is currently launching the Change Food Video Library at

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