Progressive Radio Network

iEat Green

iEat Green - Laurie Courage- Encouraging Greens Inc - 03.29.18

Laurie Courage is the Founder of Encouraging Greens Inc. She is a certified plant- based nutrition educator and wellness coach and a trained chef. Laurie works with many clients who are on the brink of a health crisis, or trying to avoid one, and are frustrated that nothing they have tried has helped them get better. Through the power of changing what and how they eat, and fitting this lifestyle change into their life rather than the other way around, Laurie has helped clients and students not only learn about the healing power of food but how to take back control of their health, put their knowledge to use and slow, stop and even reverse several chronic health conditions.

Combining over 20 years of coaching and mentoring with certifications from several plant-based doctors and experts, Laurie coaches clients on ways to Eat to Heal, and is a Certified Food for Life instructor with Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Certified Starch Solution instructor (Dr. McDougall), as well as a Whole Kids Foundation instructor for their Healthy Teacher program. She has a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, a certificate in Diet and Lifestyle intervention and has completed several courses in the Nutrition Educator program from Wellness Forum Health. She also has Plant- based Professional Chef Certification for Rouxbe. She is a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, is a certified Health Coach, and is pursuing international board certification in Wellness Coaching and Lifestyle Medicine. For more info:

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Tsimmis with Mango and Orange

Preheat oven to 400* degrees
3 garnet yams, cubed
4 carrots, cut into chunks
2 oranges, peeled and sections cut in half
½ cup orange juice
½ t. cinnamon
½ cup organic prunes
2 tbs. maple syrup
1 mango, cubed

Spray the inside of a pyrex glass casserole pan. Whisk together 2 tbs.
maple syrup, and orange juice. Place yams, carrots, prunes and
oranges in pyrex pan and pour maple syrup and OJ on top. Sprinkle
with cinnamon. Cover with tin foil and bake for 40 minutes,
stirring after 20 min. Add mango to pan and bake another 10