David discusses Shaken Baby Syndrome with “Mary” (not her real name) whose daughter-in-law served 2 years in jail for manslaughter when a Shaken Baby conviction was rammed through, ignoring evidence that the dead baby’s mother was far from a perfect caregiver, and ignoring the possibility of any medical crisis (such as an adverse reaction to a vaccine or medication). Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case, and some caregivers have been punished much more stringently. Yet science is slowly realizing that this syndrome is probably completely imaginary, and that babies that die without external evidence of abuse probably did not die of abuse.
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For more on Shaken Baby Syndrome see http://onsbs.com, https://www.innocenceproject.org/shaken-baby-cases-to-be-rev iewed/ and http://www.medilljusticeprojec t.org/2016/12/20/shaken-3/