Progressive Radio Network


Inside the ‘secret’ public-private partnership Israel is using to fight BDS

When journalist Marcus Dysch reported on an April 2014 gathering at London’s Hilton Metropole hotel, involving the leaders of pro-Israel organizations from 25 different countries, he called it a “secret” conference. Evidently not a very well-kept secret.

Yet given that the “Global Coalition for Israel” (GC4I) initiative began in late 2010 (p.11), little is known about this project – which Dysch described as “part of the Israeli government’s efforts to co-ordinate international responses to delegitimization and boycott campaigns”.

Despite the semi-covert nature of the GC4I project, which is now entering its seventh year, it is possible to piece together an understanding of its structure and aims from scraps of information online.

Via the Internet Archive, a description of the very first meeting in December 2010 can be read. We learn that approximately 115 pro-Israel activists from about 60 different organizations in over different 30 countries attended the event in Jerusalem. The project involves them in direct collaboration with no less than 7 Israeli government ministries.

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