Author and Fordham Political Science Professor, Nicholas Tampio joins Mark to discuss his new eye-opening book COMMON CORE: National Education Standards and the Threat to Democracy (Johns Hopkins University Press). Tampio supports his stand with hard evidence and telling details about standards, homework, tests, legislation, policies, and the people affected: parents, teachers, and kids. Tanpio muses how teachers are trained to teach for the test and students are restricted to standardized learning, education suffers. When the federal government controls education, communities also suffer.
Have Mark speak at your company or organization to increase morale, productivity, confidence and more. Mark also has riveting talks for kids k-12 and college on overcoming adversity, anti-bullying/anti-teasing, mental health, drugs/alcohol, celebrating differences, self-entitlement, senior send-off and more. All of Mark’s talks are from his vast life experience. Reviews, videos, booking info and more at: Email: ma**@ma*******************.com
“Mark Farrell is a great motivational speaker filled with enthusiasm, spunk and encouragement. It was great to see our students connect to him while listening and observing his experiences. Students were engaged and connected with him on personal level. It was an inspiring message that I hope all of our students will remember for years to come.
Jessica Citro – Student Assistance Counselor
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