Progressive Radio Network


Insight – Healthy Kid Trapped in Vegetative State Awakes and Gets the Gold! – 10.22.15

The Indomitable Victoria Arlen was a typical vivacious 11 year old active fun loving girl – until she came down with a rare viral disease, Transverse Myelitis that had her battling for 5 years – 3 of which left her in a vegetative state.  After Victoria miraculously came out of a coma – her ability to speak, eat and more had to be relearned.  That was the easy part for this immensely determined young woman who after not attending school for years went into high school and not only caught up on the vast work she missed – she graduated in 3 years with her 2 brothers (triplets).  And yes – Victoria didn’t stop there – she learned to swim as a paraplegic and her fierce competitive times ultimately got her a gold medal in the 2012 London Paralympic Games.  Hear why she’s far from content and what’s next!


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