Progressive Radio Network


Is Your Food On Crack? Salmon Test Positive For 81 Different Drugs, Prozac, Birth Control, Cocaine

When stories like the lead poisoning in Flint, Michigan make national news, people sit up and take notice.

What people don’t realize is just how contaminated our water is all the time, every day, every where.

I’m not talking about heavy metals like lead, although unless regular testing is done the nation over or you test your own water with a home kit (cheap, definitely worth it if you are curious to know what’s in your water), how do you know what’s coming out of your faucet is lead-free anyway?

In this instance, however, I’m talking about Big Pharma.

Salmon caught in the Puget Sound were recently found to be contaminated with a toxic cocktail of 81 drugs and chemicals.

Tissues of the juvenile chinook were tested and researchers were blown away by what they found.

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