Progressive Radio Network


Israeli-linked SITE Intelligence Involved in Chattanooga Shooting Narrative By Prof. James F. Tracy

News reports of the July 16 shootings in Chattanooga Tennessee already provide some curious features that warrant close scrutiny. Perhaps unsurprisingly, complete oversight of the shooting investigation has been turned over to the FBI. Also, the Israeli-linked SITE Intelligence Group is involved in providing the news frame for alleged shooter Muhammed Youssef Abdulazeez.

For over a decade now the FBI has been busy creating phony terror events throughout the US to provide the semblance of a discernible enemy in the “war on terror,” as investigative reporter Trevor Aaronson has documented. This has proven immensely lucrative for the Western military-intelligence-media complex.

MHB provided a detailed analysis of SITE in 2014, suggesting that journalists should be wary of information distributed by the organization. The SITE Intelligence Group, headed up by Rita Katz, an ardent Zionist whose father was executed in Iraq in 1969 after being convicted of working for Israeli intelligence, is well-known as the first to furnish major news media with the Islamic State “beheading videos” of US citizens purportedly held captive and executed by ISIS.

SITE Intelligence Group, September 2, 2014

“The Islamic State (IS) released a video showing its beheading of an American citizen, James Wright Foley, and its threatening to execute another, Steven Joel Sotloff, if U.S.-authorized military operations against the group continue,” SITE announced on its “Jihadist News” section in September 2014.

Following news of the apparent execution of Sotloff that emerged on September 2, 2014, Katz nervously explained to CNN how SITE was actually capable of releasing the beheading video before even ISIS could.

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