Progressive Radio Network

It's All About Food

It's All About Food - Zsu Dever, Aquafaba, - 09.13.16

Part I: Caryn Hartglass, Detoxing
caryn-in-manhattanCaryn will discuss the ins and outs of detoxing, the physical, the emotional and the spiritual.





Part II: Zsu Dever, Aquafaba
zsu-dever-by-katelyn-deverZsu Dever has been involved in the restaurant business most of her life. She hails from a long line of culinary professionals and restaurateurs. She is the author ofEveryday Vegan Eats, Vegan Bowls and Aquafaba, (published by Vegan Heritage Press) and publishes the blogZsu’s Vegan Pantry. Zsu is a passionate vegan and resides in San Diego, CA, with her three wonderful children, her three adorable felines and her one amazing husband.





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