Progressive Radio Network

It's Our Money with Ellen Brown

It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – It’s About Control – 06.22.16

Mayer Rothschild is famously quoted as saying Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!– and so it is.  When we look at the distribution of capital, we see that those who control the franchise of creating money through loans and debt rule our world.  Ellen speaks with one of the planet’s oldest serving statesmen, Canada’s Paul Hellyer, about the nature of this controlling franchise and about the alternatives still available.  Walt McRee speaks with Lisa Cody, a researcher for the Service Employees International Union, who did a landmark study of the outrageous costs Los Angeles has paid private financiers as part of our ongoing series What Wall Street Costs America, and Matt Stannard comments on the increasingly popular idea of providing a basic income to people as one way of balancing the scales against the controlling interests.

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