Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D. – Where Oh Where Have All the Almonds Gone?

Not only do many store bought almond milks contain only about 2% almonds but many are harboring a scary ingredient.  Is your almond milk causing inflammation and disease?

When I saw my daughter drinking almond milk the other day, and sharing it with her friends who were happily slurping it down, I realized everybody these days is drinking almond milk. As a beverage, almond milk has shown the greatest growth spurt of all the alternative milk products. It expanded by 40 percent in dollar sales between 2013 and 2014, according to a report from Packaged Foods, a Rockville, Md.-based market research firm that tracks dairy and nondairy beverage sales. Within the next three years, it is projected to grow from 5 percent of the current market to 19 percent.

I understand why. It’s clean and refreshing looking, with a nice white-ish color, and flows smoothly, like velvet would if velvet were liquid. It reminds us of the cow’s milk many of us grew up drinking. In fact, it’s used frequently as a substitute for cows’ milk, and, as well, as an alternative to all the other plant-based milks: coconut milk, soy milk, rice milk, cashew milk, hemp milk, even oatmeal milk. We liberally pour it in coffee, smoothies, golden milk, and drink it contentedly, too, as a stand-alone drink.

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