Jefferey Jaxen – WIKILEAKS Releases: A Vote For Clinton Is A Vote For Big Pharma & Mandatory Vaccination

Hillary Clinton has made little attempt to play politics or engage in double speak on the topic of vaccinations. In the world of healthcare, medicine and parenting no other topic symbolizes the hot button nature of health freedom and medical choice vaccination represents. Amidst the bickering of fabricated issues and discussions of little or no importance to the public, the presidential debates have left out a laundry list of vital topics. The US has the developed world’s highest infant mortality rates, epidemic-level rates of autism spectrum disorder over the past decades and the maternal mortality rate has more than doubled from 2000 to 2014.

California is fighting back against Senate Bill 277 (SB277) as parents and families who want to retain their health freedom and medical choice have been left with no choices as forced vaccination is now mandatory. Unbeknownst to most of the country, a growing subsection of US people have been beating back continued, unrelenting forced vaccination legislation in many states attempting to mirror SB277. Pharmaceutical company lobbyists continually swarm US politicians in order to secure SB277-like legislation in states to secure a revenue stream on their for-profit, zero-liability vaccine products.

Hillary Clinton has made no attempt to hide the deep roots connecting her to big pharma. In addition, she has made little attempt to deviate from the march towards mandatory vaccination signaling the desire to increase the agenda.

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