Progressive Radio Network

Government Crime

JOHN STANTON - The Great CYBER Scare: How the Atlantic Council and NYT Hustle for the Latest Panic

“There is an inverse relationship between public access to the Internet and the inability of governments and institutions to control information flow and hence state allegiance, ideology, public opinion, and policy formulation. Increase in public access to the Internet results in an equivalent decrease in government and institutional power. Indeed, after September 11, 2001, Internet traffic statistics show that many millions of Americans have connected to alternative news sources outside the continental United States. The information they consume can be and often is contrary to US government statements and US mainstream media reporting. Recognizing this, terrorists will coordinate their assaults with an adroit use of cyberspace for the purpose of manipulating perceptions, opinion, and the political and socioeconomic direction of many nation-states.”

— Terrorists Will Exploit and Widen the Gap between Governing Structures and the Public, American Behavioral Scientist, 2002

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