Progressive Radio Network


Kali Holloway - Americans Are Gorging on Meat in Amounts Not Seen in Decades

The cliche about the American diet being mostly meat and potatoes has seemed less true over recent years, with vegetarianism going mainstream and veganism gaining popularity. But old dietary habits die hard—possibly because [3] of their clogged arteries. A new study finds there’s been a reversal in meat-eating declines, with the last year seeing Americans piling their plates higher with meat than they have in nearly 40 years. That’s not so great news for Americans’ health, and potentially devastating for the planet.

Rabobank [4], a global research firm, found that between 2014 and 2015, there was a 5 percent increase in meat consumption. The agency reports the rise was the “largest increase in U.S. meat consumption since the food scares of the 1970s.” According to MarketWatch [5], that means on average, Americans last year ate more than 3.7 pounds of beef, pork or chicken each week—or about 193 pounds a year. That’s up from 184 pounds in 2012. Globally, we are not, as Americans like to proclaim with all things, number one in eating meat. But we are very [6] close.

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