Progressive Radio Network


Katherine Paul - 6 Reasons We Need to Be More Even More Mindful Consumers as Trump Comes to the White House

If ever conditions were ripe for revolution, that time is now—especially for anyone who cares about their health, and the health of planet earth.

President-Elect Donald Trump’s short lists for his environment and agriculture cabinet appointments are dominated by entrenched D.C. insiders, career politicians and industry lobbyists. Not one of these proposed “leaders” supports policies that would lead to healthier food, a cleaner environment or a cooler planet.

So much for “draining the swamp.” And so much for an easy road to forward progress on food, ag and climate policy under our future fast-food leader.

On November 15, POLITICO said it had obtained a list of talking points that “offer a roadmap on how President-Elect Donald Trump’s agriculture secretary could shape agricultural policies, including the sweeping promise to ‘defend American agriculture against its critics,’”. . (emphasis ours).

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