Progressive Radio Network


Lawmakers declare vaccines essential to 'national security' after taking money from Big Pharma

Like clockwork, the Disneyland measles false flag has predictably evolved into a national call for medical fascism, as politicians from both sides of the aisle unequivocally throw their support behind the jab agenda, which is right now pushing to eliminate vaccine exemptions and force everyone in America to get vaccinated.

The absurdly titled “Vaccines Save Lives” initiative declares into existence an alternate universe in which vaccines are 100% safe and effective. Introduced by Representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Charlie Dent (R-Penn.), Thomas Marino (R-Penn.) and Peter Welch (D-Vt.), the resolution “affirms [that] vaccines and immunizations save lives and are essential to maintain the public health, economic and national security of the people of the United States.”

By dressing up in patriotic terms such draconian nonsense, the politicians behind this decree aim to crystallize in the public groupthink the idea that vaccines are nothing less than God’s gift to mankind. Without them, claims these corporate hacks, there would be “a true public health crisis” that puts mostly children at risk.

According to The Hill, more than 90 members of Congress have signed onto the resolution which, while it isn’t binding in any sort of legal sense, represents the first shot fired in a brewing war against medical freedom. The mainstream media, the federal government and even some medical professionals are all calling for vaccine exemptions to be eliminated, and this resolution backs that sentiment.

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