Progressive Radio Network


Lawsuit: Nursing Student Claims College Instructed Them to Threaten Patients into Receiving Vaccines - Adan Salazar

At least two instructors at a medical college in Michigan taught lessons instructing students to intimidate patients into receiving vaccinations, a lawsuit claims.

Filed in the Genesee Circuit Court on April 6, the suit alleges a teacher at Baker College in Flint taught her students to exhaust various methods of coercion in order to pressure patients into getting innoculated.

“She stated that we would go in there if they declined and then we would use threats to coerce them,” claims plaintiff and former student Nichole Rolfe.

One threat students were directed to make targeted a patient’s enrollment in the federal health care and financial assistance program Medicaid.

“You’re going to lose your Medicaid and if you lose your Medicaid because you refuse the vaccine you will have to pay for your entire hospital stay,” the teacher told her students to say, according to Rolfe.

That same week, Rolfe, 35, says another instructor had also encouraged students to lie to new and expectant fathers, directing pupils to tell dads they wouldn’t be able to visit their newborns if they weren’t up-to-date on their vaccines.

“The vaccinations would do little to protect the newborns because they would not have taken effect by the time the fathers interacted with the babies, Rolfe claimed,” reports

After questioning the lessons, Rolfe was subsequently cut from the nursing program five months before she was due to graduate.

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