Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories - 03.18.15

Days Late, Dollars Short: Are Black Leaders Really Helping Chuy?

Altered State: The Perpetually Surreal Universe of Hillary Clinton

It was an impressive show of support for Jesús “Chuy” García, the underdog in Chicago’s volcanic mayoral runoff slated for April 7. On March 9, an array of African American ministers, elected officials, community leaders and businesspeople, the Rev. Jesse Jackson prominent among them, pledged their troth to Chuy. Businessman Willie Wilson, who placed third in the Feb. 24 election, followed with his endorsement three days later.

Happy, happy, joy, joy. But are Black leaders really helping Chuy? Is there a true coalition effort afoot here to put Rahm “Mr. 1 Percent” Emanuel out of Chicago’s misery?

That she finds herself in the eye of yet another firestorm calling her character, ethics and official conduct into question should be no surprise. Hillary Clinton, after all, is one-half of the most-often-subpoenaed-and-criminally-investigated couple ever to occupy the White House. With a reported six separate investigations currently in play over a private e-mail account and server she used when she was secretary of state, Clinton finds herself in familiar territory as a target of official inquiry and, possibly, prosecution. Her response also is familiar—“I dare you to prove anything you think I did.”

Is she squeaky-clean innocent of all the charges and transgressions that have dogged her all these years? Or, is it understood by all, in Hillary Clinton’s perpetually surreal universe, that she in fact is above the law?

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