The Charleston Massacre: Solace, Solidarity and Lots of Sidestepping
An outpouring of concern and support for the jolted, grieving congregation of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., is helping to blunt the impact of the massacre last Wednesday of nine of its members, including its pastor, and wounding of three others at a prayer and bible-study meeting.
Dylann Storm Roof, 21, the alleged lone gunman, believes he struck a blow for white supremacy in America. (A 2,000-word “manifesto” posted on Roof’s website laments the inability of whites to keep African Americans, Jews and Latinos in check and maintain total control.) But “official” opinion—even by President Barack Obama—seems to disagree with Roof’s declaration of his motives. This was not an act of terrorism but of hate, the revisionists say, and the remedy urgently needed is gun control.
Leid Stories discusses their political sidestepping.