Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories—Busted! Leaked Docs Show Clinton Foundation Confessing to Fraud; Post-Hurricane Matthew, Haitians Suspicious About What Comes with ‘Aid’—10.19.16

Charles Ortel, the acknowledged expert on the shady operations and financial dealings of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation and its multiple offshoots, discusses documents released yesterday by WikiLeaks that appear to confirm that Clinton Foundation executives, including the Clintons, were well aware they were committing fraud.

Ortel, a former Wall Street financial expert and adviser who has spent two years investigating and analyzing the financial records of the foundation and its affiliated entities, has been detailing in an ongoing series on Leid Stories what he alleges is “the largest unprosecuted charity fraud in history.”

Dady Chery, a Haitian-born journalist, author (most recently, We Have Dared to Be Free: Haiti’s Struggle Against Occupation), biology professor and co-editor in chief of the news site, discusses growing concern in Haiti, still reeling from the disastrous impact of Hurricane Matthew, about particular kinds of international aid.

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