Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories—The Clinton Foundation: FBI Probe Deepens, Noose Tightens—01.09.18

A wide-ranging FBI probe into the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation (The Clinton Foundation), reportedly launched months before formal confirmation last week, is raising new questions about whether it initially was impeded by Clinton and Obama loyalists within the Trump administration. Even so, it appears that the   investigation into foundation has reached a critical point, and the public may soon know whether the Clintons and/or other officers of the foundation are to be charged with operating the charity as a criminal enterprise.

Charles Ortel, a retired Wall Street banker turned financial investigator and a sworn enemy of charity fraud, has been forensically examining the foundation’s operations and records for two years and has been reporting his findings on Leid Stories. He declared early on that the evidence he uncovered suggested that the foundation was “the largest unprosecuted fraud in U.S. history.” He files his latest report.

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