Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories—Clinton Foundation Implodes Amid A Global Sharpening of Prosecutorial Axes—03.19.18

The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has imploded under the sheer volume of evidence, gathered by domestic and foreign investigating agencies, that the purported “charity” and its principals for years have been running a global criminal enterprise and engaging in massive fraud.

Early U.S. oversight of the foundation was largely procedural. But the foundation over the years far exceeded its original, strictly defined and permitted purpose—to raise funds to build a Clinton presidential library in Little Rock, Ark. Instead, the foundation spun off several other “charities” that were raising hundreds of millions of dollars from donors for “good works.” Federal investigators, however, believe the foundation and its linked “charities” provided cover for the Clintons to receive pay-to-play money from “donors” looking to buy political favors and influence.

Several foreign governments also have ratcheted up their probes of the Clintons and their foundation, having gotten little or no accounting for hundreds of millions of dollars donated to various foundation causes. They have been sharpening their prosecutorial axes.

Charles Ortel, a retired Wall Street banker and sworn enemy of charity fraud, has been reporting on Leid Stories the findings of his self-initiated forensic investigation of the Clinton Foundation for more than two years. Today he discusses the details of and likely fallout from the implosion of the Clinton Foundation.


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