Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories—Election 2016: All the World's A Stage, and Donald Trump's On It—09.01.16

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s hasty, fly-by meeting yesterday with President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico served as a backdrop for a speech he made later in the day at a rally in Phoenix to present his policies on immigration.

A raucous crowd enthusiastically cheered as Trump railed against President Barack Obama’s “failed” immigration policies—which, he said, Hillary Clinton not only supports, but will add to with new policies that also are destined to fail.

Trump laid out a 10-point plan he said will go into effect on Day 1 of his presidency. Topping the list are building “a great wall” on the U.S.-Mexico border, mass deportations of the   undocumented, and significantly beefing up law-enforcement agencies to identify, hunt down and deport those who have committed crimes while in the United States or in their countries of origin.

Media gurus have been analyzing the combined effect of Trump’s meeting with President Peña Nieto. Leid Stories listeners offer their unique perspectives on this significant development in the increasingly tight Trump-Clinton contest in which both candidates’ campaigns have been hobbled by self-inflicted wounds

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