Progressive Radio Network


Leid Stories—Hillary Makes History with Democratic Party Nomination, and Possibly with Federal Probe of Massive Fraud by Clinton Foundation--07.27.16

Hillary Clinton made history last night. With an official vote by Democratic Party delegates and superdelegates, she won the nomination as the party’s standard bearer for president in November’s general election, the first woman to head a major party ticket.

But news of a different, though familiar, kind this morning, as Clinton finds herself at the center of yet another federal investigation. The IRS has launched a probe into the operations of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, looking into massive fraud, Leid Stories has learned. Several countries also have launched tandem investigations of the foundation’s operations in their jurisdictions.

Most recently, in the United States, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) requested that FBI Director James Comey, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, and Federal Trade Commission chairperson Edith Ramirez undertake a three-pronged investigation into what she called “a “lawless, pay-to-play enterprise that has been operating under a cloak of philanthropy for years.” The federal agencies’ probes should focus on the relationships between big-money donors to the foundation and U.S. foreign-policy decisions made during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, Blackburn said.

Charles Ortel, a former Wall Street investor who exposed General Electric’s multibillion-dollar stock fraud in 2007-2008, since February last year has been examining the Clinton Foundation’s global labyrinth of nonprofit subsidiaries. In an exclusive Leid Stories series, Ortel has charged that the Clinton Foundation is “complete and total fraud.” Ortel discusses the IRS probe and its implications for the newly minted presidential nominee.

Leid Stories continues its discussion on Bernie Sanders and what is to become of the “revolution” that more than 13 million people endorsed with their votes during the primaries. Sanders, a victim of high-level Democratic Party sabotage, says that the task now is to unite with the Democratic Party to defeat Donald Trump. Leid Stories listeners share their views.