Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories—Merchants of Misery: The Clinton Foundation Is Back ‘Helping’ Haiti; Election 2016: The ‘Debate’ A Point of No Return’—10.10.16

You’d think that Bill and Hillary Clinton would be gun shy about seeking donations for their foundation’s “charitable” efforts in Haiti. But you’d be wrong.

In the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Matthew’s Oct. 3 devastation in Haiti, they’ve cranked up the Clinton Foundation’s cash-collecting machine, asking donors to give generously to the “Clinton Foundation Community” while they keep suffering Haitians in their thoughts and prayers. It’s how the Clintons and their foundation amassed billions of dollars in “emergency aid” that was to help rebuild Haiti after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake devastated the country in 2010. Haitians are still demanding to know where the money went.

Financial analyst Charles Ortel, considered the leading expert on the Clinton Foundation—which he calls “the largest unprosecuted charity fraud in U.S. history”—discusses troubling signs that the Clintons and their foundation are continuing to operate illegally.

Really? That was a “debate” last night? No, it wasn’t, says Leid Stories. Rather, it was yet more proof that, politically speaking, we are at a point of no return.

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