Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories—Repeat Offenders! The Clintons Dole Out ‘Charity’ in Africa (Part 2)—08.31.17

Having been called out on the slipshod and highly irregular administrative and business practices of the Clinton Foundation and its affiliated entities, it appeared Bill and Hillary Clinton began to shut down parts of their U.S.-headquartered operations, especially those that were running afoul of U.S. charity and other laws.

At the same time, the foundation seems to be increasing its involvement overseas, flying under the radar of strict compliance and accountability.

Three agricultural projects run by the Clinton Foundation in Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania again raise the issue of how the Clintons repeatedly flout laws, domestic and international, that regulate charities.

Ex-Wall Street banker-turned financial investigator Charles Ortel for years has been tracking the under-the-radar operations of the Clinton financial empire, at the core of which is a family foundation. The foundation, formally The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, claims it is a charity helping to solve major human challenges in the world, but Ortel has found damning proof that it has been operating in flagrant violation of domestic and international law as a slush fund for the Clintons, selling access and favors to “donors.”

“It’s the largest unprosecuted fraud in U.S. history,” says Ortel, who proved that several Wall Street-traded companies had been overvaluing their stocks by billions of dollars during the time of the 2008-2009 stock market crash.

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