Progressive Radio Network


Leid Stories—Republicans Zero In On Hillary, Bill and the Clinton Foundation; Haiti Was/Is Foundation’s Prized ‘Possession’—08.16.16

Following yesterday’s discussion, Charles Ortel returns with more on the Clinton Foundation:

House and Senate Republicans, convinced that the Obama administration is blocking their efforts to probe and expose serious ethical and criminal violations allegedly committed by Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, have intensified their campaign. The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation and several of its affiliated organizations once again are at the center of the legislators’ focus as they look into how the Clintons funneled through them hundreds of millions of dollars in “charitable donations” that appear to be linked to political favors for the donors.

And new—and very troubling—evidence showing the Clintons’ stranglehold on Haiti, their foundation’s prized “possession.”

Ortel since May has been filing regular investigative reports on Leid Stories about the Clintons and their various global “charities.” A former Wall Street banker and investor, his digging into the financials of General Electric in 2007-2008 proved that the conglomerate had fraudulently overvalued its stock by hundreds of billions of dollars.


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