Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories—In the Sacramento Police Killing of Stephon Clark, Justice or Settlement?—04.02.18

Of the 20 shots fired at 22-year-old Stephon Clark by two Sacramento police officers on March 18, eight ripped through his body, almost all of them through his back, a forensic pathologist said at a news conference on Friday, a day after Clark’s funeral.

Dr. Bennet Omalu also found that bullets Struck Clarke in the neck and thigh, breaking bones, piercing a lung, and caused him to “bleed massively,” although death was “not instantaneous.” It took between three and 10 minutes before Clark died of his wounds, Omalu said. Clarke received no medical helpduring that time,

Omalu’s report added fire to the community’s red-hot fury over the officers’ killing of Clark. But except for a few reports of minor confrontations between protesters and police, the tone of news coverage has been conciliatory.

This means that serious “negotiations” have begun. But with what objectives? Once again, the troubling question arises: Will there be justice or a settlement?

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