Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories - The Clinton Foundation: Money and Politics - 05.26.16

Charles Ortel, a former Wall Street banker and investor whose digging into the financials of General Electric in 2007-2008 proved that the conglomerate had fraudulently overvalued its stock by hundreds of billions of dollars, has been detailing exclusively on Leid Stories major financial and accountability problems with the international philanthropic conglomerate operating as the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Today Ortel, who has charged that the foundation is engaging in massive charity fraud, takes us into the Clintons’ hidden world, where money, politics and power intersect. His sweeping overview puts into perspective many unanswered questions about how the foundation has managed to evade scrutiny; how the Clintons leveraged political power and influence for financial gain; and their “special” relationship with President Barack Obama.

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