Leid Stories—The Clinton Foundation: Where Have All the Millions Gone?—06.29.16

Charles Ortel, a former Wall Street banker and investor whose digging into the financials of General Electric in 2007-2008 revealed that the conglomerate had fraudulently overvalued its stock by hundreds of billions of dollars.

Since February last year, Ortel has been looking closely at the finances and operations of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Foundation. In a five-part series on Leid Stories, he detailed his stunning findings that the foundation is engaging in “massive fraud” through highly questionable, and downright illegal, practices that purport to be in line with the foundation’s philanthropic work but really are designed to enrich the Clintons.

With the same zeal he pursued GE and exposed its financial crimes, Ortel is untangling the global labyrinth within which the foundation functions and how it has managed to evade the law as a renegade “charitable” institution.

Today Ortel reveals the foundation’s shady operations involving hundreds of millions of dollars solicited and received from foreign governments—ostensibly to support HIV/AIDS programs in the developing world—but have yet to be accounted for.

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