Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories—The Trump-Macron Bromance: A Bit of Bombing and Then A State Visit and Dinner--04.24.18

Ostensibly to commemorate deep historical ties and the continuing strength of the relationship between The United States and France, President Emmanuel Macron and First Lady Brigitte are the honored guests of a three-day state visit hosted by President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump. The highlight of the visit, which began Monday, is a series of bilateral talks and conferences scheduled today. And, of course, the obligatory fancy-schmancy white-tie state dinner tonight at the White House.

Macron’s visit comes soon after France and Britain joined the United States in unsanctioned April 13 airstrikes on targets within Syria alleged to be production plants for chemical weapons the Bashar al-Assad regime is accused of using against its enemies in an ongoing civil war.

Gilbert Mercier, cofounder and editor in chief of newsjunkiepost, discusses the on-again, off-again budding bromance between Macron and Trump and the significance of Macron’s state visit.


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