Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories—Trump Targets Haitians for Deportation; Are There Any Men Who Have Been; More Notes on the Sex-Scandal Tsunami—11.21.17

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As many as 60,000 Haitians given shelter in the United States after an earthquake devastated their country in 2010 must return to Haiti by July 22, 2019, the Department of Homeland Security announced yesterday. This is in keeping with provisions of the Temporary Protected Status program under which they were allowed into the United States, DHS Acting Secretary Elaine Duke said.

Kim Ives, an editor with Haïti Liberté, discusses this move by the Trump administration, in light of the Clinton and Obama administrations’ policies on Haiti, and promises President Trump had made to U.S.-based Haitians during his election campaign.

Leid Stories offers more notes on the ongoing Sex-scandal tsunami.